Supplements Can Save Us Billions in Health Care Costs

Supplements Can Save Us Billions in Health Care Costs

Supplements Can Save Us Billions in Health Care Costs

A recent study found that by using dietary supplements, such as calcium and folic acid, we could save billions of dollars every year in escalating health care costs.

Results have shown that calcium supplements could prevent as many as 734,000 hip fractures in the over-65 population! This would produce net savings of $13.9 billion in the next five years. Use of folic acid supplements for preventable neural tube birth defects could save $1.3 billion in lifetime costs (by preventing approximately 3,000 of the birth defects over the next five years).

Top Ways to Save Billions in Health Care Costs:

* Calcium with Vitamin D:

Appropriate use of calcium with Vitamin D for the “Medicare population” shows potential avoidance of approximately up to 776,000 hospitalizations for hip fractures injuries over the next five years, as well as avoidance of hospital nights in skilled nursing facilities for some proportion of these people. . An excellent source of calcium and Vitamin D is Ultimate Bone Health, found at The five-year (2008-2012) estimated net savings associated with avoidable hospitalization for hip fracture would save approximately $16.1 billion.

* Folic Acid:

If just 11.3 million of the 44 million American women who are of childbearing age and not taking folic acid began taking 400 mcg. of folic acid on a daily basis neural tube defects could be prevented in 600 babies, saving as much as $344,700,000 in the first year alone. . An excellent source of Folic Acid is Blood Pressure Naturals, found at Over 5 years, taking into account the costs of the supplement, $1.4 billion could potentially be saved!

* Omega-3 Fatty Acids:

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