Revitalize yourself with a little sunshine. If you get enough sunlight in the daytime, it can help you get better sleep in the nighttime.
Exposure to sunlight during the day helps increase your melatonin output during the night. Melatonin is a hormone produced in our bodies that enhances sleep and slows down the aging process.
Among the proven benefits of sunshine:
- It puts you in a better mood, giving you an improved sense of well-being
- Endorphin and serotonin production increases
- Can lower pain due to arthritis
- It can help reduce Cholesterol and Blood Pressure.
- It helps stimulate the thyroid
- Helps boost the immune system
- Increases white blood cell count and allows them to fight germs better
- Encourages healthy circulation
- Stimulates the production of red blood cells, increasing the level of oxygen in the blood
- Promotes insulin production
- It boosts your appetite and improves your digestion and metabolism.
The ultraviolet rays in sunlight act as a natural antiseptic. These rays can kill viruses, bacteria, molds, yeasts, fungi, and mites. Sunlight also improves the function of your liver and helps it break down toxins and wastes that could lead to serious health issues.
Most explanations for the benefits of sunshine have revolved around vitamin D. Actually, the therapeutic effects from the sun are much more significant than just what we get from Vitamin D. For one, the feeling of well-being comes from increased production of serotonin. Also, the sun's movement across the sky, from sunrise to sunset, helps set our biological clocks and determines our circadian rhythms.
In 19th-century Europe, doctors used sunshine to cure rickets, where the body cannot make hard bones. The dose of Vitamin D in sunshine seemed to do the trick. Vitamin D is a hormone, not a vitamin; therefore, the body must manufacture it.
Your body produces Vitamin D when you are in the sunshine. Those out in the sun during the day tend to sleep better at night. This is due to a healthy supply of Vitamin D in the body. Those who do not get enough exposure to sunlight can become vitamin D-deficient and may experience difficulty sleeping. Only ten minutes of exposure to your arms and legs to the sun at midday is enough for a day's worth of Vitamin D. This can also be achieved by a half hour in the sun twice a week.
Vitamin D can also be found in certain foods. Oily fish such as salmon, cod, and mackerel are good sources. Shrimp, milk, and eggs are good as well.
Be careful not to take too much vitamin D. People who get more than 10,000 IU per day may develop hypercalcemia. This can result in constipation, kidney stones, and bone pain. Overdosing on vitamin D may instead interfere with your ability to get a good night's sleep. The key is to strike a balance and get proper vitamin D in your system.
Insomnia can seriously affect your health. Along with the mental fatigue that comes with insufficient sleep, your body is under a higher stress level, with stress hormones soaring the following day. Many things influence a person's ability to drift into a relaxed state of deep sleep, with some vitamins and minerals playing an important role.
Vitamin B6, sometimes called pyridoxine, is an essential vitamin that must be obtained regularly from the diet. Like many vitamins, vitamin B6 serves various bodily functions, but its effect on serotonin production is critical to sleep. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that enhances relaxation; production of this neurotransmitter requires certain levels of vitamin B6. At least fifty milligrams of Vitamin B6 daily, either through food or supplements, appears enough to achieve a sleep-enhancing effect.
Magnesium is a mineral, not a vitamin. Many practitioners see it as the key to a good night's sleep. Muscle and nerve cells need magnesium to relax properly, and sufficient serum magnesium levels promote deeper sleep. Magnesium-dependent enzymes also play a significant role in establishing the correct balance of neurotransmitters in the areas of the brain responsible for sleep.
A Natural Solution
An excellent 100% natural solution to more manageable, healthier sleep is SeniorLife Health's Sleep Support Formula. It is a great way to achieve better sleep and health; it's formulated with 12+ ingredients that let you drift into a restful slumber and wake up feeling revitalized (with a mind clear of grogginess). This scientifically advanced all-natural supplement contains the nutritional requirements that help the body relax and sleep. By providing the body's natural sleep hormone, melatonin, and a collection of calming herbs, phytomedicines, and critical nutrients, the body is encouraged to naturally eliminate restlessness, anxiety, persistent sleeplessness, and insomnia.
SeniorLife Health's Sleep Support Formula complements the body's natural ability to promote fast, safe, and deep sleep - like the kind we experienced when we were younger. The ingredients in this formula also offer some of the factors the body uses to make the neurotransmitter called "serotonin," which influences neurons that control such diverse activities as sleep, mood, and appetite. Sleep Support Formula supplies the body with the proper nutritional support, and the vital and regular sleep pattern of dreaming can be preserved and enhanced. Interestingly, "sleeping pills" using conventional drug therapy have proven to cause fewer and shorter periods of dreaming than found in normal sleep.