Premature Menopause

Premature Menopause

Menopause is usually reached between the ages of 45 and 55 with an average age of onset of 51. Premature menopause occurs when menopause is reached before the age of 40. The causes of premature menopause include medical conditions and surgery to remove the ovaries. You are also at a higher genetic risk for early menopause if you have one or more close family members that have experienced premature menopause.


Medical conditions that cause or contribute to the onset of premature menopause include autoimmune diseases, sarcoidosis, tuberculosis and cancer. Epilepsy and deficiencies in the pituitary, adrenal and thyroid glands have also been linked to higher risk for early menopause. These can trigger what is known as premature ovarian failure.


Cancer treatment also causes premature ovarian failure and is a major risk factor in the development of premature menopause. Often women undergoing chemotherapy, radiation and tamoxifen for the treatment of breast cancer will begin to experience the signs and symptoms of early menopause either during cancer treatment or up to six months after treatment is completed.


Another cause of premature menopause is surgery that involves the removal of the ovaries. Hysterectomy in and of itself does not cause early menopause if only the uterus is removed even though you will no longer have monthly periods. However, an oophorectomy (removal of the ovaries) or a total hysterectomy, which is also called hysterectomy with oophorectomy (removal of the uterus and ovaries), will cause you to enter premature menopause.


Often the menopausal symptoms induced from surgery can be much more severe, although many other women in premature menopause will also experience symptoms with the same intensity. The severity of menopause symptoms after a complete hysterectomy or ovary removal is contributed to the sudden loss of hormones rather than the gradual loss or hormone fluctuations seen in other women entering menopause.


Sometimes women will enter early menopause without surgery or any of the known risk factors, conditions or diseases associated with it. It is estimated that around 1% of women experience premature menopause (about 1 in 100 women). This can sometimes come as quite a surprise to many women that may have thought they had many more years before experiencing the symptoms of menopause. Women still planning on having children face the additional emotional burden of infertility.


Symptoms of premature menopause include hot flashes and night sweats, irregular periods, infertility, sleep disturbances, headaches, severe fatigue, thinning skin, dry and itchy skin, hair loss, dry mouth, changes in body odor, increase in facial hair, decreased sexual desire, vaginal dryness and weight gain around the abdomen. Gastrointestinal problems, bloating, incontinence and bladder control problems can also be signs of premature menopause. Early menopause increases your risk for osteoporosis, gum disease, and cancers of the colon, ovaries, uterus and breast.


There are many early menopause symptoms that affect your emotional health and well-being as well. You may notice you are much more irritable and experience intense mood swings. Depression, anxiety, emotional detachment, confusion, difficulty concentrating and memory disturbances are also associated with premature menopause.


The symptoms of premature menopause, both physical and emotional, can be successfully managed so that your quality of life improves dramatically. Be sure to get plenty of exercise, eat a well-balanced diet and avoid caffeine, cigarettes and alcohol as much as possible. Stress reduction is also important for successful menopause symptom management and is the number one menopause trigger for hot flashes and night sweats.


You should take advantage of the many vitamins, herbs and supplements known to effectively reduce and even eliminate premature menopause symptoms. Vitamin E has been proven to be effective in early menopause relief. Studies have also shown that many other supplements, such as black cohosh, Don Quai and Mexican wild yams, will successfully reduce hot flashes and night sweats and the many other symptoms associated with premature menopause.


Many supplements are designed to take advantage of the safety and reliability of natural treatments for menopause. Women’s Natural Balance (click here to view) is a safe and natural choice for the treatment of hot flashes and contains many ingredients formulated to reduce the symptoms of menopause, increase energy and vitality and improve quality of life.


Women’s Natural Balance is specially formulated for menopause treatment and is specifically designed to manage the many varied symptoms of menopause. It contains twelve safe, effective and all natural ingredients that will help you achieve menopause relief by providing the hormonal and emotional balance needed during this time in your life. Women’s Natural Balance will also increase the energy, vitality and sexual desire lacking due to premature menopause.

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