Not Getting Good Sleep? May Be the Moon!
Good night, Moon. According to scientists, new research brings the first reliable evidence that lunar rhythms can influence sleep in humans.
The moon often gets blamed for madness on Earth. The Latin name for the moon, Luna, is the root of the word "lunatic."
However, research has repeatedly shown that the full moon does not affect human health. Although a few studies have found weak connections between the full moon and increased aggression and absenteeism, the data analysis found no convincing evidence that full moons spur uptakes in mental hospital admissions, psychiatric disturbances, and homicides or other crimes. A 2020 study found a lack of excess criminal activity on full-moon nights.
Therefore, sleep researchers in Switzerland were skeptical when people complained about poor sleep around the full moon. However, since they had completed a lab study on sleep a few years before, the scientists decided to review the results for possible evidence of the moon's effects on sleep.
Surprisingly, they discovered that the lunar cycle appears to influence human sleep, even when one does not see the moon and is not aware of the current moon phase.
During their previous four-year study, the Swiss researchers monitored volunteers' brain activity, eye movements, and hormone secretions in the laboratory while the participants slept. All the participants were healthy, good sleepers, and did not take any drugs or medication.
After reviewing their data, the scientists noted that brain activity related to deep sleep dropped by 30 percent during the full moon. Participants also took five minutes longer to fall asleep and slept for 20 minutes less overall on full-moon nights. The volunteers felt their sleep was poorer when the moon was full, and they showed diminished levels of melatonin, a hormone known to regulate sleep and wake cycles.
Circalunar Rhythms
Scientists have long known that the human body often bases key activities on regular cycles, such as circadian rhythms, which are roughly a day long. These findings suggest that humans might also experience circalunar rhythms that drive cycles a month-long, roughly matching the time between two full moons.
Several patterns in animal behavior can be linked to the lunar cycle. Adult women also experience the menstrual cycle, usually a month or so long. This circalunar effect on sleep might be a relic from a past in which the moon synchronized human behaviors for sex or other purposes, much like in other animals.
Although the moon's gravitational pull drives tides in the ocean, its tidal effects are much weaker on lakes and virtually non-existent on humans. Rather than being pushed by gravity's tug, any circalunar rhythms the body experiences may be set by moonlight.
The influence of electrical lighting and other aspects of modern life may mask the moon's hold on the human body. "It would be interesting to look at this in people still living outside without artificial light, but light from fireplaces," lead Swiss researcher Christian Cajochen said. "Another possibility would be to test different moonlight simulations and their repercussions on sleep in the lab."
As to whether disrupting circalunar rhythms might have ill effects on health, the effect of moonlight on any potential circalunar clock appears much weaker than that of daylight on the circadian clock.
It doesn't appear that modern people constantly ruin their sleep when they don't see moonlight, but exposure to artificial light at night — when our body clock does not expect light — would disrupt the natural sleep-wake cycle.
The scientists detailed their findings in the journal Current Biology.
Did you know sleeping one extra hour a night can lower your heart attack risk by 33 percent? Skimping on sleep raises your risk for everything from high blood pressure to heart failure, stroke, diabetes, and heart disease.
A Natural Solution
An excellent 100% natural solution to healthy sleep is Not Getting Good Sleep? May Be the Moon!
Good night, Moon. According to scientists, new research brings the first reliable evidence that lunar rhythms can influence sleep in humans.
The moon often gets blamed for madness on Earth. The Latin name for the moon, Luna, is the root of the word "lunatic."
However, scientific research has repeatedly shown that the full moon does not affect human health. Although a few studies have found weak connections between the full moon and increased aggression and absenteeism, the data analysis found no convincing evidence that full moons spur uptakes in mental hospital admissions, psychiatric disturbances, and homicides or other crimes. A 2020 study found a lack of excess criminal activity on full-moon nights.
Therefore, sleep researchers in Switzerland were skeptical when people complained about poor sleep around the full moon. However, since they had completed a lab study on sleep a few years before, the scientists decided to review the results for possible evidence of the moon's effects on sleep.
Surprisingly, they discovered that the lunar cycle appears to influence human sleep, even when one does not see the moon and is not aware of the current moon phase.
During their previous four-year study, the Swiss researchers monitored volunteers' brain activity, eye movements, and hormone secretions in the laboratory while the participants slept. All the participants were healthy, good sleepers, and did not take any drugs or medication.
After reviewing their data, the scientists noted that brain activity related to deep sleep dropped by 30 percent during the full moon. Participants also took five minutes longer to fall asleep and slept for 20 minutes less overall on full-moon nights. The volunteers felt their sleep was poorer when the moon was full, and they showed diminished levels of melatonin, a hormone known to regulate sleep and wake cycles.
Circalunar Rhythms
Scientists have long known that the human body often bases key activities on regular cycles, such as circadian rhythms, which are roughly a day long. These findings suggest that humans might also experience circalunar rhythms that drive cycles a month long, roughly matching the time between two full moons.
Several patterns in animal behavior are linked with the lunar cycle. Adult women also experience the menstrual cycle, usually a month or so long. This circalunar effect on sleep might be a relic from a past in which the moon synchronized human behaviors for sex or other purposes, much like in other animals.
Although the moon's gravitational pull drives tides in the ocean, its tidal effects are much weaker on lakes and virtually non-existent on humans. Rather than being caused by gravity's tug, any circalunar rhythms the body experiences may be set by moonlight.
The influence of electrical lighting and other aspects of modern life may mask the moon's hold on the human body. "It would be interesting to look at this in people still living outside without artificial light, but light from fireplaces," lead Swiss researcher Christian Cajochen said. "Another possibility would be to test different moonlight simulations and their repercussions on sleep in the lab."
As to whether disrupting circalunar rhythms might have ill effects on health, the effect of moonlight on any potential circalunar clock appears much weaker than that of daylight on the circadian clock.
It doesn't appear that modern people constantly ruin their sleep when they don't see moonlight, but exposure to artificial light at night — when our body clock does not expect light — would disrupt the natural sleep-wake cycle.
The scientists detailed their findings in the journal Current Biology.
Did you know sleeping one extra hour a night can lower your heart attack risk by 33 percent? Skimping on sleep raises your risk for everything from high blood pressure to heart failure, stroke, diabetes and heart disease.
A Natural Solution
An excellent 100% natural solution to healthy sleep is SeniorLife Health's Sleep Support Formula™. A great way to achieve better sleep and health, it's formulated with seven ingredients that let you drift into a restful slumber and wake up feeling revitalized (with a mind clear of grogginess).
This scientifically advanced all-natural supplement contains the nutritional requirements that help the body relax and sleep. By providing the body's natural sleep hormone, melatonin, and a collection of calming herbs, phytomedicines, and critical nutrients, the body is encouraged to eliminate restlessness, sleeplessness, and anxiety naturally. SeniorLife Health's Sleep Support Formula™complements the body's natural ability to promote fast, safe, and deep sleep - like the kind we experienced when we were younger. The ingredients in this formula also offer some of the factors the body uses to make the neurotransmitter called "serotonin," which influences neurons that control such diverse activities as sleep, mood, and appetite.
SeniorLife Health's Sleep Support Formula™supplies the body with proper nutritional support, and the vital and typical sleep pattern of dreaming can be preserved and enhanced. Interestingly, "sleeping pills" using conventional drug therapy have proven to cause fewer and shorter periods of dreaming than found in normal sleep. A great way to achieve better sleep and health, it's formulated with 12+ ingredients that let you drift into a restful slumber and wake up feeling revitalized (with a mind clear of grogginess).
This scientifically advanced all-natural supplement contains the nutritional requirements that help the body relax and sleep. By providing the body's natural sleep hormone melatonin, plus a collection of calming herbs, phytomedicinals, and critical nutrients, the body is encouraged to naturally eliminate restlessness, anxiety, persistent sleeplessness, and insomnia. SeniorLife Health's Sleep Support Formula™ complements the body's natural ability to promote fast, safe, and deep sleep - like the kind we experienced when we were younger. The ingredients in this formula also offer some of the factors the body uses to make the neurotransmitter called "serotonin," which influences neurons that control such diverse activities as sleep, mood, and appetite.
SeniorLife Health's Sleep Support Formula™supplies the body with the proper nutritional support and the vital ingredients to restore the usual pattern of dreaming. Interestingly, "sleeping pills" using conventional drug therapy have proven to cause fewer and shorter periods of dreaming than found in normal sleep.