Naturals Shrink Enlarged Prostate
Many physicians and medical experts
now believe that certain vitamins for prostate health can
shrink a swollen prostate gland and
even work towards preventing prostate health problems, and keep PSA levels
(prostate-specific antigen) levels stable. What dietary changes, vitamins
and prostate herbs can help men avoid uncomfortable symptoms?
First, your risk of developing prostate
health problems is higher if you are over 50 years old, an African American male,
or you have a family history of prostate health problems. Diet also plays a role:
a high fat, low fiber diet can drastically increase your chances for
developing prostate health problems. Doctors are now saying that fat is a big
contributor to prostate health problems. You can eliminate some of the risk by
eating a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, grains, and cutting
out high fat and salty foods. Also, reduce alcohol intake and try to
get more exercise and activity in your day to day life. A lot of how
we feel physically depends on how we treat our bodies!
Every year after the age of 40, men
should undergo enlarge prostate testing to rule out prostatitis (an
inflamed prostate), an enlarged prostate or prostate health problems. The
doctor may perform what's called a digital rectal exam (DRE) to manually
feel the prostate for any enlargement or abnormalities. He or she may
do a PSA test, which will measure PSA levels in the blood – a high
reading means more testing will be needed.
The enlarged prostate cause could be
from a number of influences. Whether you have existing prostate problems,
have enlarged prostate symptoms or you simply want to prevent them,
taking vitamins for prostate health is important. Plant-based supplements
such as soy might help shrink prostate size and prevent prostate health problems
in some men. Although medical researchers aren't sure why these photoestrogens
may help, a number of doctors have seen positive results from these
vitamins for prostate health.
The mineral selenium and vitamin
E are often recommended, as well as an herb called saw palmetto
berry. It can help alleviate pain and discomfort during urination.
An African herb called pygeum africanum has also helped some
men reduce swelling and inflammation of a swollen prostate. Zinc
may shrink an enlarged prostate and help prevent it from swelling up
again. Another enlarged prostate treatment, Beta carotene, has been
linked with a reduction in other types of diseases, and men are often
advised to take it to treat BPH or other prostate problems.
You can find multi vitamins for prostate
health, which contain a number of herbs, vitamins and minerals that
work together to reduce the symptoms that are a result of high PSA levels
or BPH. On a long term basis, prostate supplements can maintain optimal
prostate health and help avoid prostate enlargement. A comprehensive
product that does work at building prostate health and fighting
off prostate health problems is Prostate Health
Essentials (click here to view).
It contains 18+ natural ingredients that have been shown to support
prostate health. Used as an enlarged prostate treatment, this easy-to-take
daily supplement provides excellent all-around prostate health.
Shrinks that Prostate
For many men, prostate enlargement is
just a part of getting older. The good news is that you can effectively
shrink your prostate and alleviate the symptoms of an enlarged prostate
– or benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Located just below the
bladder, the prostate gland produces semen and is surrounded by the
Prostate enlargement is extremely common,
and affects about 50% of men in their sixties. As they near 80 years
of age, it increases to almost 90%. Your doctor can do a digital rectal
exam (DRE) to determine if you are suffering from prostate enlargement.
If necessary, he or she will also perform a prostate specific antigen
(PSA) test.
An enlarged prostate can be uncomfortable
and may be the sign of a prostate problem like prostate inflammation
infection, prostate urinary problem, bacterial prostate infection or
chronic prostatitis symptoms. Sign of an enlarged prostate in the male
prostate gland or an enlarged gland prostate requires attention. Prostate
gland enlargement could be a prostate problem symptom of bph (benign
prostate hyperplasia).
How to shrink an enlarged prostate?
Prostate support with a great prostate health food with benefit of lycopene
solves prostate problems and even an inflamed prostate. With natural
prostate health treatment and prostate information you can build prostate
health and keep a lower PSA test level.
Prostate health problem prevention is important
as men age. If man health prostate drops, it can be a sign of possible
disease. What can help prostate enlargement treatment and prostate infection
treatment is to use a formula with selenium supplement, saw palmetto
benefit and additional prostate herbs or vitamin for prostate health.
It assists in prostate & prostatitis health while fighting off swollen
prostate symptoms. This natural prostate remedy is just one of the remedies
for enlarged prostate that gets results.
Certain natural prostate therapies
have helped some men shrink prostate. Prostate supplements with
ingredients like saw palmetto, bee pollen and other prostate herbs can
be effective in reducing the symptoms of an enlarged prostate such as
frequent, painful urination and sudden urges to urinate. Zinc, selenium,
and pumpkin seed oil are also used in prostate supplements. Many
men who take prostate supplements and prostate herbs notice that their
prostate begins to shrink very quickly, and they find relief in less
than 30 days. A comprehensive product that has these ingredients and
does work at building prostate health and fighting off prostate health problems
is Prostate Health
Essentials (click here to view).
It contains 18+ natural ingredients that have been shown to support
prostate health. This easy-to-take daily supplement provides excellent
all-around prostate health. Shrink prostate in 7-10 days.
Diet can also shrink prostate. A low
fat, high fiber diet is the best way to maintain prostate health and
limit symptoms from prostate enlargement. Exercise and good overall fitness can also help keep
your prostate healthy – not to mention your entire body!
Prostate enlargement is a gradual process,
so with regular prostate exams by your doctor, you can recognize prostate
problems before they become severe. Prostate infections, prostate health problems
and BPH will usually be detected by a digital rectal exam (DRE). If
your doctor feels it's necessary, he or she will advise you undergo
a prostate specific antigen (PSA) test to measure PSA levels in your
If your condition gets worse, and these
treatments aren't shrinking your prostate, you may have to undergo surgery
to remove part or the entire prostate (called prostatectomy). This is
the most drastic prostate treatment, and it's not without risks. Before
you begin any course of prostate supplements or change your diet or
exercise routine, consult your physician. He or she will be able to
recommend the best course of action for your enlarged prostate, and
help you shrink prostate safely.
Your best bet is to eat a balanced diet,
get moderate exercise each day, and take a prostate supplement to keep
your prostate healthy for years to come. One benefit of these Psa blood
test results and prostate treatments is that they are not expensive!
You can shrink your prostate without having to spend a lot on special
foods and expensive prescription medications. It is possible to shrink
an enlarged prostate.
Prostate problems are a common part of growing older for many men. You can, however, take a very comprehensive formula that includes Saw Palmetto, Zinc, Lycopene, Beta-Sitosterol, Pygeum Africanum and Stinging Nettle, a total of over 30+ ingredients; a very comprehensive formula; Prostate Health Essentials (click here to view). Prostate Health Essentials contains 30+ natural ingredients shown to support prostate health.