Omega oils are Essential for Seniors
As we grow older, we need to find ways to keep our body healthy. Your diet, how much exercise you get, seeing your doctor regularly, and finding natural ways to enhance your health can mean the difference between enjoying an active life and suffering from ailments and serious complications. There are a number of health concerns for seniors: osteoporosis, arthritis, and high cholesterol to name a few. Heart health is essential for seniors, and without proper care they could be at high risk for a heart attack or stroke.
As a result of certain foods, age and heredity, fatty deposits can build up in the blood vessels and begin to block passages of the heart. Over time, these deposits can cause a severe blockage, and blood won't be able to reach the heart properly. This can lead to a heart attack, or if blood is unable to reach the brain, a stroke. These can be fatal, or cause long term effects – in the case of a stroke, permanent paralysis or brain damage can be the result.
The best way to keep your heart healthy is with a sensible diet. You need to eat a variety of foods that will protect your body against heart damage, and keep your heart in top shape. Fresh fruits and vegetables not only provide valuable nutrients and vitamins, but studies have shown that leafy green vegetables such as broccoli may even prevent heart attacks or cancer. Whole grains, nuts and tofu products are also great ways to give your body what it needs: fiber and protein. If you eat meat, it should be lean and low fat, and fish is recommended two to three times a week. Often called “brain food,” many oily fish contain Omega 3, which doctors think helps prevent heart disease.
You can get Omega 3, plus the other Omega’s, with Omega 3-6-9 Complex Gummy is a comprehensive blend of Omega 3 Fish Oil, Borage Oil, and Organic Flax Seed Oil. This combination provides a unique balance of Omega-3 and Omega 6, plus Omega-9 and Vitamin E. The Omega-3's and Omega-6 are necessary for the maintenance of your cardiovascular and nervous systems.
Omega fatty acids can help lower cholesterol levels and promote a healthier vascular system.
Lifestyle changes are crucial to good heart health. Smoking increases your risk of developing heart disease up to 70%. If you smoke, you need to quit. Even a few cigarettes a day puts you at a much greater risk. Seniors need to exercise at least three times a week, but preferably for half an hour each day. If you have limited mobility, talk to your doctor about what lower-impact exercises can provide you with health benefits. If you are overweight, your heart has to work much harder to keep your heart pumping, which takes its toll on your body. There are many fun ways to get active, and you don't need to buy a gym membership or run on a treadmill every day. Get outside and go kayaking, or take a brisk walk with a friend.
Drinking alcohol is one of the worst things for your heart, especially white wine or beer, which have no micronutrients. However, many physicians believe that one to two glasses of red wine per day actually cut your risk of heart disease. It contains flavinoids, which protect the good cholesterol in blood.
Seniors must also see a doctor regularly for cholesterol monitoring and blood pressure testing. A blood test will determine your cholesterol level, and if you need lowering drugs such as Seniorlife Health's Cholesterol Complete.