Antiaging Top 10 Food Rules for Success
You have probably heard that the key to staying young is eating the right foods? You've also heard that there are certain types of foods that have special properties, unique components that make them actually “antiaging foods”.
The largest food group of antiaging foods is the ones that contain antioxidants. Antioxidants are those molecules that clear away the free radicals (damaging particles that damage body cells and accelerate aging). Free radicals are always being produced in our bodies, so we constantly need antioxidants to remove the free radicals before they have a change to do damage.
For many people, adopting a diet and consuming anti aging foods may seem like a difficult task. But it’s not, most people quickly discover a feeling of increased well being, and gradually come to enjoy eating these wholesome healthful foods. And they are able to enjoy good health longer into these senior years. Antiaging foods are definitely worth giving a try.
Here are Top 10
rules to keep in mind. Utilize the following anti-aging rules when planning
your meals.
10 Rules for Antiaging While Eating:
ONE: Eat selectively
– Be Particular About what you Eat
TWO: Eat Smaller Portions, Nutritious
meals; more often. Not on the run.
Choose Brown or Tan Carbs, and Avoid White
FOUR: Emphasize Protein and Concentrate
on Your Vegetable Sources.
Proteins first, followed by Non-starchy Vegetables, then
SIX: Drink lots of Liquids between
Meals rather than During the Meal.
If you drink Alcoholic Beverages, do so with Meals and
use Moderation.
EIGHT: Choose Seasonal Fruits
& Vegetables with the most intense Colors.
When using Cooking Oils, use only Oils of Very High Quality.
TEN: Maintain Eating at
Regular times in a Stress-free Environment.
More Selectively.
One of the more interesting antiaging
suggestions around food is that if you're over 50 or need to lose weight,
you should consider switching your plate size.
You should use an 8 inch salad plate
rather than the usual 12 inch dinner plate. Also, you may consider serving
salad first, and you may use the smallest size for breakfast and lunch. You
should try to serve yourself about half the amount of food you ordinarily
put on your plate and if you're dining out, you may order appetizers
from the menu and split them with your companion.
Many restaurants serve way too much
food for anyone over the age of about 40 years old. As you have probably
found, have too large of a portion of food; not necessarily a good idea,
although they may seem so at the time. You may end up wearing the "extra
value" around your waist belt.
Eat smaller more nutritious meals more frequently, it’ll help. Another important consideration in your foods is to consider that as you get older your digestive efficiency decreases. A good way to improve your digestion and absorption of food is while chewing your food, carefully focus on the flavor. By doing this, you will be less inclined to eat too much. Also, with healthy foods you will be supplying your cells with protein, micronutrients and the energy that they need to function at their best. You'll also be reducing the tendency to snack on beverages and less nutrient-dense foods.
Many foods - particularly fruits, vegetables, and whole grains - contain these important antioxidants, while a few of them are astonishingly high in those beneficial antiaging food molecules you need. Three of the best antiaging foods are blueberries, red kidney beans, and cranberries.
Research is revealing more and more
about how the human body works, what foods work to promote healthier
body, and what foods cause physical stress. It is becoming evident that
many of the life threatening diseases experienced by aging people are
influenced by both an unhealthy lifestyle and a poor diet.